Large volume transportation program

This program offers options for large volume commercial and industrial customers. For more information please email Gas Transportation Services or call 800-264-8026.

Changes to large volume transportation program

  • Maximum daily nomination – Between April 1 and October 31, North Shore Gas will impose a limit on the daily amount of gas that all large volume transportation customers can bring into its system.
  • Inventory/allowable bank/daily deliveries – By November 30 of each year, customers who take transportation service under Rider FST (Full Standby Transportation Service) and Rider SST (Selected Standby Transportation Service) must have 70 percent of their storage account (Allowable Bank) filled. For customers that fall short of the 75 percent, North Shore Gas will supply the deficiency at the cost of November's Average Monthly Index Price plus 10 percent.
  • Imbalance account charge – Under Rider SST, North Shore Gas will impose a daily Imbalance Account Charge to customers whose gas deliveries exceed daily consumption and daily injection restrictions as well as Allowable Bank capacity limits. This daily Imbalance Account Charge can be as high as $6 per therm in the event that North Shore Gas declares a Critical Supply Surplus Day.