Residential programs

North Shore Gas Energy Efficiency Program

Take advantage of the North Shore Gas Energy Efficiency Program. We provide energy-saving solutions and rebates for your home or apartment building.

  • Home energy rebates
    Earn rebates for installing energy-efficient equipment in existing homes.
  • Home Energy Savings
    Get energy-saving products installed in your home for free.
  • Multifamily program
    Get energy-saving products installed in your multifamily building for free. Also receive a free property assessment identifying additional areas for natural gas savings and rebates.
  • Talk to an energy efficiency expert
    Contact us to schedule an appointment for a free energy assessment and installation of free energy-saving products.
  • Become a registered trade ally
    Learn how to participate as a registered trade ally in our energy efficiency programs.
  • Income-eligible offerings
    Find out more about energy-saving offerings specially designed for income-eligible customers to easily improve home and building energy efficiency.